I went to the School 2.0 site and used the reflection tool to self-assess my current technology skill level. I cut and paste my results and posted it on my blog. I also reflected on one of the articles on from my result page.
NETS-T 2: Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. We live in a digital culture where technology is so prevalent. There are constantly new upgrades and new digital tools being created. I chose this standard because I want to be able to include all these new technology base applications to help maximize the professional growth of my students. I want to be able to show my students how these digital tools can be fun and will help them be more proficient in any education setting.
The article I read is called “Too Cool for School? No Way!” According to this article, there are numerous new technologies being created. Everyone views these new technologies as being cool. From an educator ‘s viewpoint, we would have to figure out how to include these new digital tools in our curriculum. All most all of these tools are not made for educational purposes. This article strongly emphasizes how educators must have the willingness, creativity and flexibility to learn these new technology base application and redesign them for educational purposes. The article gave three perfect example of how technology can be transformed or redesigned for educational purposes. First example is micro blogging. Teachers, students and even parents can use this digital tool to communicate and have discussions. This is very useful in sending out any important messages immediately to the entire class. The second example is specialized search engines. This is very beneficial to students doing any type of research. These specialized search engines can find web pages by just typing a particular phrase. The last example given on how technology can be redesign for educational purposes is DJ software. TrakAxPc, is a DJ software that helps teach mathematical concepts. They can download music, paste them into a mixer, and rearrange them. Then they can manipulate the music to interpret mathematical concepts and theories. This is a very innovative way to make math fun.